Pecha Kucha Boston
creative people talking about creative things

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PechaKucha Boston 20

PechaKucha Boston 19
Wed Nov 17
430pm-6pm. 20×20 talks at 430pm.
Build Boston registration required. Register for “exhibit hall” at Cash bar.

Build Boston
Klein Dytham
PechaKucha Boston

Build Boston 2010

Opening remarks
Brett Stilwell, PechaKucha Boston

20×20 talks

PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It’s a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.